Champaign County State's Attorney
Julia Rietz

The Office of the State's Attorney commences and prosecutes all criminal and traffic cases in the Circuit Court and initiates all dependency, neglect, abuse and delinquency juvenile petitions and proceedings. The Office also commences and prosecutes all actions and proceedings brought by any County officer and defends actions and proceedings brought against the County or against County officers. In addition, the Office also gives opinions to any County officer upon request and provides interpretation of the law relating to concerns of the County.
We are not able to file lawsuits on behalf of individuals or advise the public on the law.
The Office of the State's Attorney serves the community's need for public safety and welfare by vigorously and justly prosecuting juvenile and adult criminal offenders in Champaign County; advocates for the welfare of children by adjudicating cases of neglected, dependent or abused minors; supports crime victims by treating them with respect and assisting them to become effective participants in the criminal justice process; and provides offenders with opportunities for rehabilitation in accordance with the principles of balanced and restorative justice.
In addition, The Office provides child support enforcement services through a joint venture with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services. Applications for services may be obtained through the Department of Healthcare and Family Services office or online at Illinois Child Support Enforcement .
Mission Statement
To fulfill all of the statutory duties and responsibilities of the Office of State's Attorney. To improve the quality of life of the citizens of Champaign County by expanding services, while at the same time reducing the financial burden for those services on the taxpayers of Champaign County. To serve the needs of victims and the community without depriving defendants of their rights under the law, and to adhere to the highest ethical standards in seeking justice - not merely seeking to convict.