Sheriff's Office
Dustin D. Heuerman, County Sheriff
Champaign County Coronavirus Response Webpage
Leadership and Mission

Elected in 2018, Sheriff Heuerman strives to maintain a professional office with the best interests of Champaign County in mind. Every person has a unique story and unfortunately, we see many people when they are in crisis. It is Sheriff Heuerman’s goal that every person we have contact with is treated equally and fairly, no matter what the circumstances. Sheriff Heuerman believes it is his office’s obligation to help find community solutions to community problems, enforce laws to the best of our abilities, and house inmates in a way that allows them to leave the jail in a better state than when they arrived.
The Champaign County Sheriff’s Office mission statement sums up the philosophy of Sheriff Heuerman’s leadership and administration:
It is the mission of the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office to provide a high level of professional and ethical service to all people living in and visiting Champaign County without bias or discrimination; to uphold the
Constitutions of the United States and the State of Illinois; to exceed state, federal and industry standards; and to collaborate with community stakeholders to accomplish community initiatives and combat community-identified problems.
Sheriff Heuerman cannot accomplish this mission alone, so relies on a great leadership team to help provide professional service in an ever-changing environment.