Chief County Assessment Officer
Paula Bates, CIAO

It is the function of the County Assessment Office to monitor and direct the countywide valuation of real property for the purpose of real estate taxation. This mandated function includes but is not limited to:
- Providing assistance and information to the individual and multi-township assessors
- Monitor all functions for compliance with state statutes and Illinois Department of Revenue procedures
- Apply all property tax exemptions and preferential assessments
- Analyze sales data and conduct sales ratio and neighborhood studies
- Apply equalization factors
- Provide proper taxpayer notification of assessments through mailed notices and publications
- Prepare abstracts and reports for submission to the Illinois Department of Revenue
- Timely certification of the completed assessment roll to the County Clerk to facilitate timely tax calculation and billing as prescribed by statute
- Maintain Parcel Identification Numbering system
- Maintain an accurate county cadastral map system, including line maps, and other property & owner information, to be used by the property tax function, other county offices, other governmental offices and the public, in conjunction with the county's Geographical Information System
- Maintain mailing addresses of real estate tax bills
Mission Statement
The Assessment Office plays an important role in your local government. The office is responsible for over 76,000 parcels. Our mission is to provide the public with top quality services by helping the public access information and understand the property assessment process.
The County Assessment Office strives to administer an accurate, fair, uniform, and timely assessment of all real property in Champaign County in accordance with and as mandated by the Illinois Property Tax Code.