Champaign County Auditor
George P. Danos

By law, the Auditor is the County's accountant, responsible for designing
and maintaining an accounting system in keeping with Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles. The Auditor audits all claims against the County
and pays all valid claims via accounts payable. The Auditor
recommends to the County Board the payment or rejection of all
claims. The Auditor maintains a continuous internal audit of the
revenues, expenditures and financial records of all County offices, a
file of all contracts, and an inventory of all property. The Auditor
audits for compliance with state and federal laws and with County
policies. The Auditor also performs economy and efficiency audits. The Auditor
is elected by the voters and functions as an independent watchdog for
Mission Statement
To fulfill the statutory duties of the Office of County Auditor, including
providing a continuous internal audit of Champaign County's financial
transactions. As the County's accountant, to maintain the centralized
accounting system generating weekly, monthly, and comprehensive
accounting reports for all County funds. To administer the payment of County bills
and fixed assets records.