Champaign County Drug Court
Mission Statement

The mission of the Champaign County Drug Court is to develop substance-free, productive citizens and break the cycle of criminal recidivism. This is accomplished by assessing and directing individuals with substance abuse addictions into judicially-supervised treatment.
Facts about Drug Court
A drug court is a specialty court that manages drug abuse cases through comprehensive supervision, drug testing, treatment and sanctions/incentives. Incarceration is an appropriate resolution for some defendants, but for many, society is better served by addressing the underlying causes of a defendant's addiction.
Since the first drug court was founded in Miami almost 30 years ago, there has been scientific research that clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of drug court programs. Drug courts significantly reduce drug use, recidivism, and are much more cost-effective than traditional criminal justice methods. There are more than 3,100 drug courts across the United States and in each of the 50 states.
Addiction to drugs is difficult to overcome in the best of circumstances. Individuals sentenced to Drug Court work harder than they have ever worked in their lives. A defendant's success requires tremendous dedication from the professional staff, the clients, and their families to make the transition from addiction to recovery. The following agencies are represented on the Drug Court Team: State's Attorney, Public Defender, Court Services, Rosecrance, the Judiciary, the Sheriff's Department, Family Services, Champaign Treatment Center, and Safe House.
Local Drug Court Impact
Three out of every four Drug Court graduates do not commit a new crime within four years of graduation. Since Drug Court not only addresses addiction, but also lifestyle, businesses and citizens are no longer victimized to support the participants' addictions. Because of Drug Court, Champaign County is a safer place to live and work.
According to Judge Ford, "It's nice for the taxpayers to know we're not just incarcerating everyone, and doing away with them. We're trying to get these people to become productive citizens and turn their lives around. This isn't easy!"
Drug Court is cost-effective for our community. The cost to taxpayers for incarcerating a defendant is approximately $24,000 per year. The cost of treatment for a Drug Court participant is approximately $5,000 per year. Therefore, an individual's participation in the program saves the community $19,000 per year. When all totaled, the citizens of Champaign County and the State of Illinois have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars because of the success of Drug Court.
According to Drug Court graduate Brian H., "I am no longer a lying, angry guy with an overpowering sense of entitlement. I like who I am now and all the things I'm doing for myself and my family. I owe Drug Court and the people associated with it everything that I have in my life right now. They also taught me that just because I'm a felon that doesn't mean my life is over."
Drug Court Eligibility
Drug Court Eligibility Criteria and Disqualifying Factors
Drug Court Forms
- Order on Requesting Drug Court Assessment
- Order Regarding Defendant's Eligibility for Drug Court
- Request for Drug Court Assessment
- Drug Court Assessment Timeline
- Consent to Participate in Drug Court Program
Drug Court Graduation Requirements
For every three people sentenced to Drug Court, only one graduates. Drug Court Graduation Requirements are listed in the document below.
How You Can Help Drug Court

Champaign County Drug Court depends on support from the local community. You can help by:
- making monetary donations to aid participants receive necessary medical, dental and other services.
- donating merchandise or gift cards for incentives. Research has shown that a system of incentives and sanctions is most effective. Incentives have been shown to decrease recidivism by up to 65%.
- employing Drug Court participants and graduates.
- asking your elected officials to support drug courts.
Please consider helping Champaign County Drug Court fulfill its mission to foster responsible citizenship. You can donate in person or send a check made payable to Champaign County Circuit Court (memo “Drug Court Fund”).
Champaign County Circuit Court
ATTN: Drug Court Fund
101 E. Main St.
Urbana, Illinois 61801
All donations are tax deductible. A receipt will be issued in the donor's name for tax records.
For further information or for a speaker to present to your group about Drug Court, please call (217) 384-1292.